Plato. Aristotle. Homer. Solzhenitsyn. Epictetus. Seneca. Madison. Tacitus. Shakespeare. Cervantes. Taleb. Swift. Locke. Jefferson. Mill. Ellington. Melville. Gibbon. Ellison. Franklin. Tocqueville. Dickens. Lincoln. Berry. Aron. Grant. Thatcher. Douglass. Trollope. Johnson (Samuel and Paul). Twain. Kurzweil. Tolstoy. Moynihan. Tennyson. Proust. Chesterton. Unamuno. Lewis. Conrad. Orwell. Bellow. Scalia. Sowell. Murray. Vargas Ilosa. Yeats.
Did you see Ron Chernow is coming out with a new bio of Mark Twain? I ordered it but it won't be out until May.
Thanks for the notice. I was unaware of that. Should be very interesting!
Steve Layman has added Rob, Kurt, and You to the list. 😊.
Waiting on my new glasses to arrive this week so I can read your book comfortably. Looking forward to life with clear corneas.
Thanks for the heads-up. That's one list where I'm definitely honored. I too am in the process of getting new glasses. Am expecting to see a whole new world!
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