Friday, January 31, 2025


 I've mentioned this before. This is a reminder.

Keep a pen and pad near your bed so you can jot down those late-night thoughts.

You know, the ones you believe you'll never forget but which usually evaporate by daylight.

Will all of them be gems? No, but enough of them will be worthy of preservation and, I hope, subsequent action.

I mention this because last night, the solution to two very important projects suddenly struck me. Fortunately, pen and pad were nearby.

And the really good news is the idea looked even better in the morning. 


Ray Visotski said...

Sound advice. It is surprising what answers you come up with, getting up at 3am to go to the bathroom I’ve gone back and forth between pad/pencil and using my iPhone as a voice recorder. Currently back with pad/pencil.

Michael Wade said...


Absolutely. I'm going over some of my rough notes today.
