If there is going to be a portion of our lives that is heavily influenced by technology, does it not make sense to preserve a portion that is more human and less technical?
What would that involve?
More face-to-face conversations. Fewer texts and more phone calls. Fewer emails and more hand-written letters.
More time for small pleasures, such as a good cup of coffee made in a traditional, grind-the-beans, manner.
Or listening to live musical performances or watching stage plays instead of streaming entertainment.
Or devoting an hour a day to reading fine literature.
Or at least 30 minutes to meditation or a walk.
Or playing Sherlock Holmes and spending a little time each day to intense observation.
[Some sample questions: What types of birds are in your neighborhood? What types of trees? What are the street names five streets over? How many of your neighbors can you name? Who is on your city council? If you looked at the night sky tonight, which planets would be visible?]
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