Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Arrogance Creep

Some signs of Arrogance Creep, an affliction that starts small but can rapidly grow:

  • An increasing tendency to think the rest of the organization is out of touch and that change needs to be hammered past the mossbacks.
  • Derisive remarks directed at the intelligence and motives of colleagues who express dissent.
  • A strong belief that the inner circle is so savvy it can easily solve problems that frustrated its predecessors.
  • Shameless acceptance of awards from community groups although the awards were generated by donating money to those groups.
  • A passion for obtaining and keeping perks and privileges.
  • A weaker application of rules and standards to the upper levels of the organization.
  • Paternalistic and tight control of information, no matter how trivial.


John Phillips said...

You hit the nails on their heads.

Michael Wade said...


I write from personal experience, of course.