Monday, January 02, 2012

Raking Some Thoughts

I did not bill a client for the analysis conducted while I was raking leaves and yet there would have been justification for doing so. Some of my best "thought work" occurs during unrelated activities but danger lurks in such practices. Step onto that slippery slope and it is easy to wind up in a swamp of questionable ethics.

Hourly billing and even flat fees can be simple measurements of time as opposed to quality and yet no one to my knowledge has figured out a consulting billing chart that starts at Good, moves up through Excellent, and ends with Brilliant.


ZZMike said...

The alternative is to bill for a completed product, or finished project.

Unfortunately, it's probably true that in order to do that accurately (so's not to cheat either the customer or yourself) takes a lifetime of experience.

Michael Wade said...


That's where the flat fee comes in.
