Saturday, September 22, 2012

Cold Calling

You can find widely varying positions on the issue of cold calling for sales.

Some people argue that although you'll encounter a lot of rejection since this involves calling strangers, with time and skill it will eventually pay off. Others caution that as most of us personally don't like to get cold calls, so should we in turn avoid them. They assert that cold calling also carries the whiff of desperation. On the other hand, sometimes the person who exudes a plausible belief in the product or service may wear down opposition and get a chance.

Since this often comes up in marketing and sales articles, I'm curious: On which side do you fall?

1 comment:

Bob said...

I think it depends on what products you are selling, if you are selling specific industry products, then there is no problem with cold calling. If you are selling phones, marketing, insurance, electricity, underpants, Search engine optimisation, website design, exciting business opportunities, then cold calling is a waste of time and very annoying.