Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Nose to the Grindstone

The Onion: Office cheers as co-worker does 32-minute nonstop work streak.


Bob said...

What did we do before all those things? All you see is false behind all those things that are free is a huge secret assault to target you with personalised advertising to construct a virtual representation of yourself that even you yourself cannot resist.

Nothing has changed in 100 years of building a brick wall, it still needs to be done by hand, though now it takes longer because of the constant distractions to the worker faced with there continual connectivity; facebook, twitter, email, phone connectivity must have reduced efficiency....

Where it is sad is the continual connected world is more important than the real world, so quality suffers. How many people would suffer anxiety from being unconnected?

Michael Wade said...


There is a great calm that comes with being off the grid.
