Friday, May 10, 2013

Miscellaneous and Fast

Eclecticity: One of the most interesting blogs in the universe.
Diana Krall: "The Look of Love."
Anderson Layman's Blog on the Keep Calm and Carry On poster.
David Frum: A factor missing from immigration debate?
Wally Bock: What happened to Ron?
FutureLawyer: Your new laptop is coming.
Jeff Jarvis on the apology of Howard Kurtz.
Wired: Bank hack suspect shot while playing dominoes.
Political Calculations on soup bowl attraction.
BBC News: Auschwitz guard arrested.
OK Go: This Too Shall Pass.
The New Republic: The new German war series.
Associated Press: IRS targeted conservative groups. [Scary.]
Sally Howard takes a ride on a Mississippi riverboat.
Susan Cain, author of "Quiet," on how she writes. [Dark chocolate every day?]

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