Thursday, February 06, 2014

Protecting The Grid

Wall Street Journal reporter Rebecca Smith answers questions about attacks on the U. S. power grid. These reports are quite disturbing especially given the enormous damage that a prolonged outage would produce. 


Kurt Harden said...

Getting the plywood panels for my windows ready. . .How to secure the generator?

Michael Wade said...


We're reviewing our self-sufficiency plan. That doesn't seem weird anymore.


LA Grant said...

The interesting part of this problem isn't mentioned in the story. Do you know what the lead time is on transformers? Here's a NYT piece at the link to give you some idea. A couple of days isn't going to do it, if there's a major effort made to cripple the grid.

So, remember the self-protection part of your planning, too. After all, when seconds count, the police are only minutes away.

Good luck.