Friday, February 14, 2014

The Sum Total

I've yet to encounter an organization that declares: "We want an egotistical CEO who'll assemble an inner circle of toadies, squelch dissent, drive off good performers, spend like there's no tomorrow, and make a shambles of our operations. We want him or her (incompetence comes in both sexes) to tolerate and even promote the inept, cater to greedy interest groups, create disruption with ridiculous policies, engage in staggering acts of hypocrisy, waste time and resources, and overturn years of successful practices. We want to overpay this person because you get what you pay for and we figure our bold leader is world-class."

I've yet to encounter such candor but have seen organizations where the declaration would have been appropriate with the exception of "want." The powers that be don't want such a person but if you want two plus two, no matter how much you say you don't want four, you are getting four.

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