Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Inner Circles, Fast Tracks, Window Dressing, Hall Closets, and Siberia

Inner Circle. Those who complain about an inner circle want another inner circle for there is always an inner circle. Inner circles hold power and serious responsibilities, both of which permit little time for creative thinking. That's why the inner circle should establish channels to thought leaders in other parts of the organization.

Fast Tracks. These can be assignments as well as regular positions. They are highly coveted but the people who land them have to prove themselves. Many a fast-tracker has faded but the good news is that the judgment comes quickly. No one lingers on the fast track.

Window Dressing. These positions are for public appearance. Although people may think of the beautiful receptionist as the epitome of window dressing, the term is more accurately applied to executives or managers who are awarded a job because of their ties, either to a politician or an interest group. Competence is optional.

Hall Closets. These jobs can be important and demanding but they are not on any career ladder due to their specialized nature. Labor relations, safety, risk management, and EEO jobs often fall in this category. Serious consideration should be given to outsourcing them.

Siberia. Every large organization has at least one. It is a professional equivalent of exile; the home of stalled careers and empty in-boxes. People may return from Siberia but those cases are rare. One odd aspect: the residents may not realize that they are in Siberia.

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