Thursday, March 06, 2014

Lessons from Film Scenes

Some film scenes have broader lessons. [The titles will be posted later.]
  1. Problems can arrive as silently as birds on a playground.
  2. The associate who proposes a meeting with your enemies may not be on your side. 
  3. If an old seaman warns you not to sign on with an employer, pay attention.
  4. Bank robbing in Bolivia is a very poor career move.
  5. When the person closest to the action says you need a bigger boat, he's right.
  6. The most famous wizard may not be that smart.
  7. "Fragile" on the shipping box does not mean the contents are from Italy.
  8. Writing a novel in a closed hotel during the winter has its downsides.
  9. An angry, armed and one-eyed fat man should not be mocked.
  10. The intern might not be able to loan you five dollars for a cab ride.
  11. Let the junior partner visit the client in Transylvania.
  12. In this world you can be oh so smart or oh so pleasant.
  13. When a man's partner is killed, he's supposed to do something about it.
  14. Avoid any dentist who asks, "Is it safe?"
  15. In France, they have a different name for the Big Mac.

[Update: 1. The Birds; 2. The Godfather; 3. Moby Dick; 4. Butch Cassidy and The Sundance Kid; 5. Jaws; 6. The Wizard of Oz; 7. A Christmas Story; 8. The Shining; 9. True Grit; 10. The Pursuit of Happyness; 11. Dracula; 12. Harvey; 13. The Maltese Falcon; 14. Marathon Man; 15. Pulp Fiction.]


Dan in Philly said...

Don't go in the basement if you hear a funny noise right after the TV announces a homicidal maniac just escaped from the hospital for the criminally insane. Or ever. Actually, don't even have a basement.

Crusty Old HR Manager said...

Never underestimate the slow-moving, crotchety old man. He can make a house fly through the clouds.

Michael Wade said...

Dan and Crusty,

Those are great examples [Ed Asner would like Crusty's] although Dan's may be hard to pin to any particular horror film.
