Friday, March 07, 2014

Listening to the Characters

You know who they are. They're the employees who become known for their eccentric specialties or attitudes and who receive the label of "character." 

Some of the characters are truly bizarre but in my experience - and at various points in my career I'm sure that more than one person would have assigned me to their ranks - the characters have a lot to offer. They became characters because they took the job seriously. They cared enough to be cranky about how well something was done; an attitude which their more sophisticated and less committed colleagues would avoid. They were ridiculed for a virtue that was taken to an extreme while people who didn't give a damn were deemed acceptable because they knew when to keep their mouths shut.

In general, characters dwell on the fringes and are brought into the common areas only when their expertise is sorely needed. Once their knowledge is tapped, they are thanked and sent back to the area beyond the camp fire. 

They deserve far more respect and recognition than we give them if only because of their willingness to care deeply about the mission and the organization.

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