Thursday, March 13, 2014

The Art of Exiting

Although first impressions and beginnings are important, I've long sensed that more attention should be given to how we wrap up projects and end meetings. By the time we reach that point, our focus may be turning toward the door. That can cause us to:

  • Slight people through inattention to their needs or contributions;
  • Overlook important points about the conclusion;
  • Fail to mention issues to consider in the aftermath.
  • Flee as if we have to catch a plane.
These steps can help to head off those problems:
  1. Quickly review what was achieved or enjoyed.
  2. Note new or unresolved matters that may need to be considered.
  3. Thank others for their assistance.
  4. Exit slowly with enough time to say brief goodbyes.
This may sound as if it is minor but if you have ever seen someone who does it well, you'll appreciate its value.

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