Monday, December 29, 2014

13 Ways NOT to Fulfill a Dream

  1. Assume that your dream is your destiny and that somehow you will magically achieve it.
  2. Share it with negative people who don't want you to achieve.
  3. Don't adopt your own dream but instead follow one which someone else has for you.
  4. Avoid knowledgeable individuals who can help you with advice, recommendations or resources.
  5. Be as vague as possible regarding your goal.
  6. Have only your final goal in mind and don't consider any interim goals.
  7. Don't set deadlines. 
  8. Take counsel of your fears.
  9. Be too proud to fail or look foolish.
  10. Expect life to be fair.
  11. Abandon your efforts at the first setback.
  12. Don't learn from your mistakes.
  13. Believe that your dream will be achieved overnight.

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