Friday, September 07, 2018

Just Do It?

City Journal: Emmett Hare on Nike's new ad campaign. An excerpt:

Kaepernick might be better than the worst quarterbacks now playing, but NFL teams are commercial enterprises that must satisfy multiple stakeholders, including fans. If Kaepernick were the best quarterback out there, surely some team would decide that the negative publicity that he attracts was outweighed by the prospect of winning a Super Bowl. While the NFL owners’ approach to off-the-field distractions is inconsistent, their avoidance of players (even quarterbacks) who might damage their brand is well established. Tim Tebow won quite a few NFL games in scintillating fashion, but his foregrounded religious fervor—combined with the limited effectiveness of his own running-quarterback style—led teams to bypass him, even for backup or third-string duty. Tebow now plays minor-league baseball.

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