Thursday, February 15, 2024

10 Public Speaking Rules to Tuck into Your Wallet


  1.  Unless it's unavoidable, don't wing a speech. Prepare, prepare, prepare.
  2. Nervousness is reduced by striving to put your audience at ease. 
  3. Get some perspective. If your speech doesn't soar, what are they going to do? Burn down your house? 
  4. Have a main theme. You'll be informing, persuading or inspiring; sometimes a mixture of all three.
  5. Understate your case. One overstatement can erode your credibility.
  6. Avoid jargon, even if most of your audience knows the lingo. 
  7. Review all of your content with this in mind: If you can't explain a point in plain language, you probably don't know it.
  8. Poor speakers use PowerPoint as a crutch. Visual aids should be simple and few. There is a reason for the expression "Death by PowerPoint."
  9. Prepare so that if the electricity went and the flip chat broke and you had to draw in the dirt with a stick, you'd still be effective.
  10. Never forget that your role is that of a caring and knowledgeable guide, not a wizard. Establish eye contact. Vary your tone and rate of speech. Study their body language. Consider their concerns. Connect.

[Photo by Kane Reinholdtsen at Unsplash]

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