Friday, June 21, 2024

Missing Conservatives on University Faculties

 National Affairs: Steven M. Teles on "Beyond Academic Sectarianism." An excerpt:

Claremont McKenna's Jon Shields summarized the basic trend in the Fall 2018 issue of this journal, finding that outside of economics, the percentages of conservatives in the social-science and humanities disciplines have dropped to the single digits. In my own field of political science, Harvard professor Pippa Norris has found that the cohort born in 1990 (the newly minted full professors of today) is considerably further to the left than those born in 1960 (those approaching retirement). This means that a further drift leftward among the professoriate is already baked in as a result of generational replacement. At my own university, I would be hard-pressed to name a single tenured professor in the social sciences and humanities who is openly right of center in any reasonable understanding of the term.

Execupundit note: The odds are heavily stacked against an openly conservative academic being hired at an Ivy League university. Look at the reports of party identification in the political science, history, and sociology departments.

This goes beyond viewpoint discrimination. Most academic departments need viewpoint diversity in order to foster the marketplace of ideas one would expect at a university. The viewpoint statistics should be publicly posted.

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