There will be dark coffee and English muffins and the Saturday Wall Street Journal and then yard work before the desert sun takes its throne. Some smiles and grunts and joy at what was accomplished and a quick assessment of what remains to be done. [Plenty.] There will be catching-up and jokes and the dog, wandering about, to remind us of the basics. There are books to be read and books to be written as well as some great music along the way.
We need to catch up but it's life, after all, and not a death march.
Gratitude is needed. Lots of gratitude.
Blessings my friend. Sounds perfect. or a perfect way to see out our life.
It's great to hear from you.
The older I get, the more I see the importance of the small things, because they aren't really small things.
It is good to have positive routines. . . Things we can count on that bring us contentment. I wholeheartedly agree with enjoying the small things, especially when we have more days behind us than ahead of us. Regards from Nashville, Michael.
It's great to hear from you. The small things, of course, are not really small.
I keep being reminded of the observation by Oliver Wendell Holmes: "The young men know the rules, but the old men know the exceptions."
Best regards,
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