Thursday, March 01, 2007

Management Mission Creep

The subject of management mission creep came up in our office yesterday. We were discussing how a project starts out with one framework and then slowly evolves into another with different goals, demands, and participants.

Our quick solution is to institute periodic review points so we can - along with the client - review the changing landscape and make appropriate adjustments.

If such points are not set and used, it is easy to wander into the deep forest and, like Hansel and Gretal, discover that your surroundings have shifted and not everyone is your friend. The project's title may be the same as last year's version, but the contents are dramatically different. If the original vision lingers in your mind it can create stress by conflicting with the conditions on the ground.

The simplest questions are the best and one to use against mission creep is the regular use of an old stand-by:

What are we doing?

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