Friday, April 03, 2009

The Crucial Day

When I was in college, I found that my favorite day of the week - Friday - was also the most important day when it came to getting things done.
If I chose to stay in on Friday night and study, I reduced the work load for the weekend and avoided the Sunday evening rush to cover the material needed for the coming week. If I goofed off on Friday evening, those problems were blended with guilt and Sunday often added a dash of panic.

Granted, this may be some strange personal quirk, but I suspect many people have a crucial day. I've encountered Monday and Wednesday people. The Mondayers use that day to set the tone for the work week and many Wednesdayers use theirs for reassessment. They report it gives them the sense of having two, albeit shorter, work weeks.

Winston Churchill played a similar trick by dividing every day with a late afternoon bath and nap which permitted him to have a working dinner and late night meetings. Most of us lack his power to dictate the schedules of others - his night owl habits wore out staff members and generals who also had to work regular days and, unlike the Prime Minister, could not sleep in - but gaining special leverage from a particular day is doable.

What are your schedule tricks? Do you have a crucial day?

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