Tuesday, July 14, 2009


The organizations that need training the least do it the most. They feel an obligation to develop their employees and understand that the expense of many training sessions is small compared to the cost of a lawsuit or a major managerial blunder.

The places that don't train often cite money as the reason but I don't think that is the case. They don't train when times are flush. Instead of worry over finances, you can sense a feeling of inferiority on their part; a fear that if the employees gain knowledge - especially from an outsider - then management will somehow lose control.

You can show the value of the finished product. You can describe the process used to get there. You can point to similar groups that benefited. But it is still hard to remove the fear that drives groups that regard knowledge as an adversary of control.


Monica Diaz said...

Sadly, this is so true. My observations exactly! I used to think it was a local thing (Mexico and Latinamerica), but as I started working more globally, turns out it happens everywhere. It is also true of personal development. Sometimes the people that need it the most just aren't willing.

Michael Wade said...


I've concluded that there are far more people in search of comfort than in search of excellence. It can be very comfortable to coast on outdated skills.