Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Overdressed for Success?

Here's the scenario:

What if a young associate dresses better than the partners? That question was obliquely posed on Corporette.com, a fashion blog for professional women. In a recent post, a summer associate at a big firm in Singapore asks whether she should carry her Birkin to work. (For those who are too embarrassed to ask, a Birkin is an Hermes bag that's become an uber-status symbol; the price starts close to $10,000.)

Despite being Oscar Madisonesque in my wardrobe and car choices, I'm baffled by those who resent any sign of wealth. If someone wants to spend $10,000 on a purse, that is none of my business. Some of the remarks in the comments below the full post remind me of an observation by Anthony Powell: "One of the worst things about life is not how nasty the nasty people are. You know that already. It is how nasty the nice people are."

[HT: Instapundit]


Dan Richwine said...

HA! It's easy to snark on those who are successful. It's hard to actaully be successful.

Michael Wade said...


Very true. And there's a lot of snarking out there.
