Tuesday, May 03, 2011

A Good Night

This evening: I've sent off two training/coaching proposals. Answered a slew of e-mails. Have written some blog posts. Completed a draft of a customized EEO briefing for a client. Talked to my son. Organized materials and packed a briefcase for this week's Avoiding Common Management Mistakes class. Graded a business law final. Checked on some marketing ideas for my e-books on Kindle. Got a blank check from my wife so I can pay a small bookseller in Benson who, when I asked if they took credit cards, handed me a book and said, "Here's my address. Just send me a check later." Retrieved a new draft for a class on the role of associates that will be reviewed again tomorrow. Read Nicholas Bate's blog and the notice of his new book. (The man never sleeps.) Am now listening to Anonymous 4's 11,000 Virgins CD. Will read a chapter of a book on bureaucracy and then go to bed. Still thinking. Hmm. Where's that NyQuil?


Kurt Harden said...

Michael - I'm just happy to hear that someone else has to "get a blank check" from their wife. You have had a good night.

Michael Wade said...


It's an arrangement that works. The less I handle money, the happier I am.
