Sunday, March 25, 2012

As One Devil to Another

Devin Brown interviews Richard Platt, author of "As One Devil to Another." An excerpt regarding C.S. Lewis:

Brown: Everyone, it seems, has a story about how they first came across Lewis. Can you talk about your first contact with his work?

Platt: I first came to Lewis many years ago, at a time when I chose my reading companions merely for their stylistic excellence. Content, heaven help me, was a secondary consideration. Knowing my predispositions, a good friend placed in my hands Surprised by Joy. I’m still thanking him. It was presented to me simply as a masterly narrative, which surely it is. It was also the small end of the wedge. As Lewis wrote, ‘God is very unscrupulous.’ When we met for coffee the following week, I asked my friend what else Lewis had written. He was ready for me. I went home with a copy of The Case for Christianity. It was a rough ride for a lazy agnostic.

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