Saturday, March 31, 2012

The Inexplicables

I can usually determine the reason for a person's success, even if I'm not an admirer of the individual. I've known some people that I wouldn't consider for any position of responsibility but it is not difficult to understand why others did so. To varying degrees, we all have peculiar tastes and, truth be known, mine might be wrong.

That said, there are some success stories that completely baffle me. Even if the individual comes from what might be considered a talent swamp, I can usually think of x number of swamp denizens that would have been far better picks. Why, I wonder, did they decide to go with that wretch?

This leads me down two roads. On one, what I view as negatives are regarded as positives by the Powers That Be. My jerk is their bold maverick. My dullard is their quiet sage. On the other road, the selection is the equivalent of winning the lottery except it has been disguised as a rational decision. The process has a certain dynamic: once you've worked for Apple, Disney, IBM or NASA, you'll enjoy that special aura the rest of your life, even if the sinners who made the decision subsequently moan, gnash their teeth, and carry an extra portion of stomach acid to their end of their days. Any number of subsequent promotion decisions may be justified because, hey, if Apple and friends decided to take a chance on this wonder boy or girl, why not good old fill-in-the-blank? Those original hiring officials don't know what damage they unleashed.

Anyway, these observations may just be a version of sour grapes. I munch those occasionally. Bear with me.


Kurt Harden said...

I believe in the Lottery theory. I think your observation is right on. I notice it with certain consulting companies. I think "what a macaroon," but everyone keeps listening to them.

magnet mailers said...

I gave up trying to pick out the 'most likely to succeeds' long ago. Sure, you can look at one's knowledge, and skills and judge potential based on that. But then there's being in the right place, and who you know, etc. It's the equivalent of all those wonderful people you find who are married to losers. I've learned to accept that some things just are beyond my comprehension.

Michael Wade said...


I've felt the same way.


That's a great example.
