Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Five Years

It was five years ago today that, coming out of a haze of anesthesia and propped up in a chair in front of an ENT surgeon that I had met only a week earlier, I listened to him say, “I’m sorry to tell you this, but you have cancer.”
I paused momentarily and then, without blinking, answered back in characteristic fashion, “Okay, can I go home now?”

Read the rest at View From the Ledge. [Jeff has very good news!]


Jeff said...

Michael -

I truly appreciate the support and the good words. It's been a heck of a journey - and the creative posts of yours I've read, the positive feedback you've given me to mine, and the banter of ideas back and forth in our comments, has propped me up along the way.

Thanks for being there.

- Jeff

Michael Wade said...


You are more than welcome. Your journey has strengthened us all.

