Saturday, March 16, 2013

51 Ways to Fail

  1. Don't plan. 
  2. Disdain discretion. 
  3. Study when you feel like it.
  4. Over-commit. 
  5. Always swing for the fences.
  6. Count on good things turning up.
  7. Pick style over substance.
  8. Ignore the minor chores. 
  9. Believe in the ability to talk your way out of anything.
  10. Always have a ready excuse.
  11. Treat people as objects.
  12. Never admit when you're wrong.
  13. Be complacent.
  14. Overstate your case.
  15. Postpone things until the last minute.
  16. Never be on time.
  17. Burn both ends of the candle.
  18. Take yourself very seriously.
  19. Deny reality.
  20. Always rush.
  21. Don't prioritize.
  22. Adopt cynicism.
  23. Ignore the incremental.
  24. Indulge your appetites.
  25. Believe you're the exception.
  26. Don't focus.
  27. Don't listen.
  28. Expect to be entertained.
  29. Have lousy role models.
  30. Associate with losers.
  31. Seldom say no.
  32. Take people for granted.
  33. Forget your mission.
  34. Tell others how smart you are.
  35. Seek instant gratification.
  36. Let your skills get rusty.
  37. Expect others to look after you.
  38. Hog the credit for team achievements.
  39. Rationalize the inexcusable.
  40. Put yourself down.
  41. Fake sincerity.
  42. Let popularity trump character.
  43. Stop learning new things.
  44. Spread gossip.
  45. Embrace the vulgar.
  46. Believe in nothing.
  47. Be discourteous.
  48. Hold senseless prejudices.
  49. Isolate yourself.
  50. Be cruel.
  51. Expect the world to be fair. 

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