Friday, August 30, 2013

First Paragraph

Throughout a long and irregular career I have found that when I have had to give lectures, I almost invariably have to begin with an apology. On this occasion I begin with about six apologies in a sort of stratified form. First of all, I am only just recovering, so far as anybody ever recovers, from a visit to America. I do not wish to plead in forma pauperis on that point, but I appeal to your pity. I think it will be sufficient appeal to say I delivered a great many lectures in that country. Miserable as is my condition, what must be the condition of the audiences! If you find my remarks this evening, as you most certainly will, extraordinarily rambling and inadequate, please remember this is about the ninety-first lecture and you are its victims.

- From Mary Queen of Scots [Revaluations, 1931] by G. K. Chesterton

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