Saturday, January 18, 2014

Swept Away: A Cargo Ship in a Storm

That car you wanted shipped? When it absolutely positively has to be in the ocean overnight, you might try these guys.


LA Grant said...

First, I'd note, no surprise, that the voices were Russian, not Japanese. But I have to say I've been in seas like that, and nobody is going to risk someone's life to try to save gear. Still, they should have been secured better. Poor seamanship is indicated, because, worst case, that sort of thing can endanger the whole ship.

Michael Wade said...


The failure to secure the cargo was the big mistake. Once those cars were moving around on snow and ice, it is understandable why no one went out there.

I don't speak Russian but their tone seemed rather relaxed as they watched cargo sliding off the deck.


ZZMike said...

"But .... we set the brakes! !"

Michael Wade said...


