Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Random Thoughts

If we can be too tired to fall asleep, can we be too smart to think? After all of the various special group "studies" programs at universities, it is high time to have Departments of Success Studies. We long for home runs but win with base hits. The smell of Camel cigarettes immediately transports me onto an Army post. Beware of action for action's sake. Doing nothing is also doing something. Given sleeping patterns, could it be that older people are better suited for the night shift? Dogs and their owners spend a great deal of time watching one another. I have never lived in a house that had enough book shelves. Leaders need to give themselves time to think. So do followers. Some people seldom talk about themselves and others do little but that. One of the greatest assets which can be acquired by education and experience is the knowledge of what is knowledge. People who think that businesses just rake in money have never been in business. It is much easier to spot how something won't work than to craft a design which will. There is a certain sense of security when your car has a full tank of gas. If you work like a maniac for three hours you will have surpassed most people who work off and on for eight. Generally speaking, there is nothing wrong with generally speaking. I wonder if anyone was conducting change management seminars in 1914 or 1939. Working and trying very hard while not producing results may impress your parents but it won't impress your boss. If I could pick a traveling companion from a pool of famous people I'd choose Mark Twain. Even when I was in extremely good physical condition I still felt out of shape. The major religions have missed something by not including chocolate in their rituals. At some point in life everyone deserves a sports car and a Jeep. The best ideas tend to arrive without reservations. Each day is a voyage. We need to grab the helm and watch for pirates and typhoons.

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