Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Don't Forget the People

The goals, budgets, organizational structure, policies, procedures, and competition may all be the same. Two groups may be identical with the exception of their people.

That is the tie-breaker and it can make a huge difference. It is surprising often the people are taken for granted and Human Resources is regarded as a fluffy, mainly clerical, department. 

And yet that department can quietly determine the success of the organization.


Crusty Old HR Manager said...

And then we (HR) are required to "fix" it by terminating, disciplining, etc the "non-team players" when a mere seat at the planning table could have resulted in a very different outcome. Sigh. The battle for the seat continues.

Michael Wade said...


They'd send you for medical tests if you pretended to know engineering or IT intricacies but they assume that anyone can do HR work.

It's absurd.
