Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Explaining Embarrassing Emails

Mr. Frisch showed the jury an e-mail Mr. Shutran sent in response to a note congratulating him on his work on the refinancing. “No problem,” Mr. Shutran replied, “I spend most days bulls—ing people.”

“Is that so?” Mr. Frisch asked in court. “No, it was a joke,” Mr. Shutran said.

In another e-mail that Mr. Frisch read aloud, Mr. Shutran said: “Do what I do. Work out a lot and do drugs.”

“You were joking, correct?” Mr. Frisch asked. “That’s something that happens in writing e-mails? You write something that’s not intended to be serious, correct?” Mr. Shutran agreed, saying, “That’s right.”

Read all of the story at The Wall Street Journal Law Blog.

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