Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Random Thoughts

One of the most beautiful words in the English language is "nap." ~ As motivators go, it's hard to beat panic.~ When opportunity knocks, some people don't just fail to answer; they bar the door, ~ The fact that a person calls others "haters" does not mean that the caller is not a hater. ~ Travelers on airplanes look embarrassed nowadays; possibly because they are submitting to a demeaning experience in order to get somewhere. ~ When it comes to politics, let your default mode favor the side that is the least coercive. ~ There are two subjects which contain important lessons for today's world: the history of the ancient world and the history of the Thirties. ~ People who favor a "philosopher-king" assume that person would share their philosophy. ~ It is not wise to re-fight civil wars. ~ For a quick dose of humility, consider what is needed to create a great symphony. ~ The list of common but wrong assumptions about management is long and always growing. ~ Showing up late is not a great way to start a meeting. ~ What is not said and what does not happen are two of life's most insightful teachers. ~ Some days are best handled in ten minute increments. ~ Some crises are best handled in ten second increments. ~ Despite all of the egotism in the world, there is also a huge amount of self-destructiveness. ~ It is jarring to go back to your old grade school and see how small everything is. ~ Taking things slowly is an admirable choice in a culture of speed. ~ Hemingway's short stories are a pleasant companion. ~ Time management largely consists of holding tactics. ~ Some writers could hypnotize you in an whirlwind. ~ An aging population would love the return of passenger trains. ~ My garage is a constant reproach. ~ A chore is not a chore if it takes you away from something you don't want to do.

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