Wednesday, June 24, 2015

First Paragraph

We cannot speak of the systematic extermination of millions of men, women, and children without mentioning his name - and yet people are no longer even sure what his first name was: Karl Adolf? Otto? It's the simplest of questions yet it can still surprise us, long after we thought we'd established who he was. But are there really still such large gaps in our knowledge of a man who has been so thoroughly investigated for so many years, by both academics and the media? Adolf Eichmann's fame surpasses even that of Heinrich Himmler and Reinhard Heydrich. So why write another book? It was the simplest of questions: I wanted to find out who knew Adolf Eichmann before Mossad famously snatched him from Argentina and put him before a court in Israel. 

- From Eichmann Before Jerusalem: The Unexamined Life of a Mass Murderer by Bettina Stangneth

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