Friday, April 06, 2007

Enemies in the Workplace

I can't recall who made the observation that although man is superior to the crocodile that advantage counts for very little when swimming the Nile.

It's a good point to keep in mind while considering the subject of enemies in the workplace. Many a genius has been brought down by a dolt and the person who thinks that merit and character are sufficient to ward off enemies is very foolish indeed.

Here are some types to study:

The Weakling. This weak, evil, person does not confront or challenge but, if given the opportunity, will thrust in the dagger.

The Bellower. This person may yell and shout but, once that is over, invite you to a ballgame. He or she is not really an enemy but is more of a nuisance.

The Long-Memoried Charmer. This type is one of the most dangerous of all. You may never know if you upset one of these characters. They won't confront or scream. They will be polite and even kind to you, but there is one thing they won't do: Promote you.

The Bigot. This person may be outwardly sophisticated. Don't be deceived. Beneath the smoothness you'll find some attitudes that never emerged from the caves.

The Manipulator. A fine and friendly colleague...until you differ. After that, you are consigned to exile unless you are ever again of potential use. In that case, you are quickly rehabilitated.

The Snake. Smiles to your face and criticizes or ridicules you to others. Fortunately, this type is easy to spot.

The Sociopath. This person doesn't need a reason to be an enemy. You are simply a bit player in their twisted game with the world.

The Pedestal Kicker. Initially friendly, this individual puts you up on such a high level of esteem and performance that you will inevitably be a disappointment. You can go from Hero to Bum in a few hours.

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