Wednesday, April 01, 2009

The Thank You Note Scoring Sheet

  1. Written within 24 hours of the event: 10 points.
  2. Written within three days of the event: 7 points.
  3. Written a month or more after the event: 2 points
  4. Not written at all: Minus 10 points.
  5. Handwritten on fine stationery: 10 points.
  6. Typed in an email: 5 points.
  7. Scrawled on a cocktail napkin: 1 point.
  8. Sent via Instant Messaging: Minus 5 points.
  9. Addressed to Dear Friend: Minus 20 points.
  10. Simply expresses sincere thanks: 10 points.
  11. Drenched in insincerity: Minus 20 points.
  12. Expresses thanks and asks for a favor: Minus 10 points.
  13. Expresses thanks in a postscript to a lengthy letter: Minus 5 points.
  14. Expresses "so mild as to be almost nonexistent" thanks: Minus 5 points.
  15. Combines thanks with constructive criticism: Minus 10 points.
  16. Combines sincere thanks with wit: 20 points.

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