Friday, January 01, 2010

The Creative Society

Daniel Henninger puts his finger on a key factor that must never be lost:

Forget greed. That was just an artifact, a side show. More than anything, the 1980s freed Americans to do the one thing they love to do above all else: create.

From day one many better decades ago, America has been about compulsive creation. It's a nation driven by the New—new ideas, new cities, new companies, technologies, art forms, production, management, distribution, design, Hollywood, Tin Pan Alley, Silicon Valley.

Some of it's good, some of it's bad, some of it's ugly. So what? This is the upward-moving mojo that Americans want to get them back in the game—the space to create, build and do what's new. The big question raised by you-know-who in the 1980s was whether government was part of the solution to national creativity or part of the problem.

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