- Put as much distance as possible between the speaker and the audience.
- Make sure the sound system works sporadically and then dies.
- Keep the controls of the audio/visual equipment in an area that is difficult to reach.
- Use audio/visual equipment that has amusing quirks, such as the tendency to lock up.
- Alternate the temperature of the room so the audience is either freezing or baking.
- Keep crucial information from the speaker.
- Eat up a large portion of the speaker's time with announcements about other subjects.
- Use uncomfortable chairs that will have people squirming within minutes.
- Read a lengthy introduction of the speaker in a monotone.
- Assure the audience that this is the greatest speaker they will ever encounter and that they can expect a riveting presentation.
You left off power point slides filled with words........
You're right. Wordy PowerPoint sabotages many a presentation.
Flickering or buzzing fluorescent lights. Or, poorly placed fluorescents that wash out the screen.
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