Wednesday, October 05, 2011

A Dean Defends Freedom of Speech

Bravo to Dean Daniel D. Polsby at George Mason University School of Law. His message should be posted in law schools around the nation. An excerpt:

Just as speakers are free to speak, protesters are free to protest. They must do so in a place and in a manner that respects the rights of speakers to speak and listeners to listen, and that is in all other ways consistent with the educational mission of the university. Student organizations which hold contrary points of view have every right to schedule their own programs with their own speakers, and these speakers' rights will be protected in just the same way.

The law school will not exercise editorial control over the words of speakers invited by student organizations, nor will we take responsibility for them, nor will we endorse or condemn them. There has to be a place in the world where controversial ideas and points of view are aired out and given space. This is that place.


Eclecticity said...

Great. E.

Michael Wade said...


It's long overdue.
