Friday, October 07, 2011

The Picture in Your Mind

Regardless of the industry, how do you picture your workplace?
Is it a factory, farm, distribution center, rocket launch, sailing ship, circus, jungle, war zone, intensive care ward, burning building, library, classroom, dinner party, madhouse, theater, laboratory, debating society - the list could go on.

Regardless of the title, how do you picture your job? Are you a firefighter, caregiver, philosopher, cop, life-saver, doctor, captain, farmer, actor, counselor, cheerleader, mechanic, scientist, scout, explorer, guardian, teacher, - once again, you can fill in the descriptions.

I mention this because your life will be simplified if you have accurate descriptions for each. You can imagine the difficulty if a person believes the primary match is a mechanic in a factory or a scientist at a rocket launch when it is really a captain on a sailing ship.

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