Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Survival: What's in Your Junk Drawer?

Writing in The Huffington Post, Christal Smith examines survivalism lessons ("How to Survive the Apocalypse on $20 and the Stuff in Your Junk Drawer") given at The Burning Man Project. An excerpt:

San Francisco-based Tom Price is a volunteer organizer with the Burning Man Project who formed "Burners Without Borders" after the experience of responding to Hurricane Katrina in 2005. Being on the Gulf Coast six days after Hurricane Katrina, Price said what made an impression on him "was the striking difference in the quality of life, and the ability to deal with it, that was between people who had made some effort at being ready, and people who were not ready. The overwhelming differentiator was that people had [even] just thought about it."


Eclecticity said...

I thought I saw you at Burning Man dude. E.

Michael Wade said...


Right you are! I was the guy on the unicycle.
