Monday, July 23, 2012

A Person Who Knows His Job

Watch this mesmerizing masonry video and then tell me you do not wish you could do that.

[HT: Althouse]


LA Grant said...

Always fun to watch an expert. In that 5-minute video I would guess he put down 12-15 blocks or about 60 per hour. After 600,000 repetitions (10,000 hours), I could do that. And it would take me about that long to capture all the little details in his movements--like the buttering technique along the tops, the efficient reuse of squeezed out mortar, careful alignment with the string line, etc.

Bob said...

Yes it looks so easy...Anybody could do it, how hard could it be? He's only a brick layer.

Brick by brick the wall is built, just like magic it's there.

At some point somebody has to do the hard work.....

Bob :)

Rick Knowles said...

The last time I laid out some CMU, it was nothing like that. Practice made this guy an artist with technique!