Thursday, July 26, 2012

Life of Pi

The trailer is promising. I hope the film is as good as the book. [HT: Althouse]


John said...

My reading habits over the last couple of decades have included practically no fiction other than an occasional short story. But the reviews of the book were so provocative that I ordered the book when it was first published. Life of Pi turned out to be somewhat densely woven together but I totally enjoyed it. It helps to have at least a little exposure to the culture and history of South Asia, especially India.

There is no way a movie can capture the nuances of the book, but I aim to see this movie the moment it comes out. According to Wikipedia it is "adventure" and will be 3-D. Those who have not read the book will be in for a splendid experience if they go now to read it ahead of time.

Michael Wade said...


I thoroughly enjoyed the book but also recognize the difficulty of catching its magic in a film.

Fingers crossed.
