Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Avoiding Bitterness

With the passage of time, I become more convinced that dwelling on past slights or injustices is one of the greatest mistakes which individuals, groups, and nations can make. Nothing positive is achieved. No great insights are revealed. All it does is to make us bitter and bitterness increases unhappiness. Although the objects of our ire have gone off to new experiences, we turn ourselves into angry prisoners. Our cells are events which may have taken place decades ago. 

Our attitude, exhibited in a pout here and a snide remark there, poisons the atmosphere around us. That bitterness can kill careers, teams, and friendships. It can also scare off a lot of fine people who would otherwise like to know us. Who wants to be around bitter people?

Catch yourself when bitterness taps at your door. Life is too short to squander time pondering and re-pondering unchangeable negatives. 

Get on with the good. Leave your ghosts behind.

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