Tuesday, February 17, 2015

First Paragraph

What happens when you have moved yourself and your organization from "good to great" - only to discover that in today's business world great is no longer good enough for customers and employees? 

- From Create Distinction: What to Do When "Great" Isn't Good Enough to Grow Your Business by Scott McKain


Wally Bock said...

An excellent book. It's worth reading and returning to for the insights you missed the first couple of times through.

Michael Wade said...


I'm glad to hear that. Just bought a copy and will be reading it soon.


Eclecticity said...

Dear God, people buying this book believe their company is "great" already I would guess. It's probably not, but I suppose they really think it is. And now they want to take it to the next level do they?

I doubt that even 10% of companies could truly be called "great." And by what measure can greatness be determined? The factors in Collins' book?

Oh yeah, another business book.

Most business books tire me anymore. But if you say so. I hope it's really really really good, and worthy of repeat reads, like Wally says it is. E.

Michael Wade said...


My own view is that few companies are truly great [not using a Utopian standard] but I'm interested in the book's concept. That is especially so after Wally's comments.
