Monday, February 23, 2015

How Cold is It?

I think Kurt Harden is typing to keep his fingers warm:

I love Ohio but it is cold. It is Ivan-Denisovich cold. It’s Jack-Nicholas-at-the-end-of-The-Shining cold; indoor-cat-who-became-outdoor-cat-glaring-at-me-from-his-blanket-in-the-garage cold. Never-warm cold. Feet-cold cold. Permanently-hunched-sholders cold. Kurt-Russell-in-The-Thing cold. It is colder than Robert Frost stopping by the woods on a snowy evening - he would not have stopped in this cold. The dog almost hurries to do his business. I dare you to talk to me about global warming in this cold.


Kurt Harden said...

So cold that I referred to Jack Nicholson as Jack Nicholas - I am now imagining Nicholas with a golf club at the end of The Shining.

Michael Wade said...


I figured that was due to cabin fever.


CincyCat said...

It was -7 this morning in Cincy-land. Afternoon temps of 27 feel almost like a heat wave.

Michael Wade said...


The low in Phoenix today is expected to be 49 degrees. The high is 67 although it was probably more like 70.

I cannot imagine -7.
