Saturday, February 28, 2015

In Search of "Boredom"

I cannot recall who said it but someone once noted that happiness is when the phone rings on Saturday night and it's not for you.

I can build an entire philosophy of life around that sentiment. 

There are people who sincerely believe that you are to be pitied, or worse yet helped, if you are by yourself in a corner or are in a bookstore or are not running to social events.

They miss the fact that a cocktail party is a working definition of hell for many of us. What they regard as boring, we regard as just fine. Many of us have had enough excitement, thank you, and have found that a little goes a long way.

Call it detachment, zen, shyness, or stoicism. It has its virtues.


Eclecticity said...

Introversion is way underrated. Not that I would know though. E.

Michael Wade said...


Thanks for the first laugh of my day.


Cletus Soctates said...

or call it amen, brother

Michael Wade said...


And amen to you.
