Monday, February 23, 2015

One Oscars Prediction

Although I did not watch the Academy Awards it would have been easy to predict one thing: the event would be too long. 

If they didn't keep the Best Picture award until the end, 98 percent of those seats would be filled with seat-fillers, those beautiful young people whose job is to fill any seat which becomes vacant. That practice alone tells us much about the Potemkin Village aspect of this event and the need to shorten the program.

Of course, there is also the grace and style deficit but Cary Grant, Audrey Hepburn, James Stewart, and Grace Kelly aren't coming back soon.


CIncyCat said...

Lady Gaga's performance was stunning, though. If you get a chance, check it out on YouTube. I agree that the program in general is way too long, though.

Michael Wade said...


I'll check that out.

