Wednesday, March 11, 2015

The Marvelous 3 X 5 Card

I've been enjoying the 25 Essential Tools of Excellence series by Nicholas Bate. Today's entry really hit home.

I am addicted to 3 x 5 cards. I carry a Moleskine notebook so I can jot down thoughts but some items cry out for a simple card. The Levenger pocket briefcase is a handy way to carry them around.

[Looking down at the top of my desk, I can spot a card with the population statistics for Arizona counties. Another one has a reminder to send a hard copy of a report to a client. Still another is a short - now outdated - to do list.]

A great basic product. Nicholas is right. It is an essential tool.


Wally Bock said...

A nearly perfect tool for notes and organizing. A glance to my right and I see the index cards arrayed on my work board so I can write a book chapter first thing in the morning. On the left is my own Levenger pocket briefcase.

I got the index card habit from my mother. Here's a link to one of my posts on "Mom and the Magical Index Cards."

Michael Wade said...


Your mom taught you well.

It is a rare day when I'm not using those cards.
